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A Message From Recruitment Chair Isaac Thompson:

Why Rush Sigma Nu?

Sigma Nu offers more than your regular fraternity. We are the most diverse group of guys you will find on campus. You will find student athletes that play equestrian, baseball, swimming, and track. You will find a neuroscientist, college professor, or the next wolf of Wall Street. Sigma Nu is a group of guys that get involved on campus. We have guys in WIS, Venture club, and the Real Estate Society. We also have multiple members in the science society Beta Beta Beta. We have members that are in the executive committees for General’s Christian Foundation and Hillel House. We have the presidents of the Republican Club, Libertarian Club, and Students for Bernie Sanders. We have guys from places like Alabama, Los Angeles, Connecticut, Vietnam, and China.

Our current members are accomplished individuals. One brother just served a two year military term in South Korea. Another brother started his own Davis Project for Peace in Vietnam to teach blind children about music. One brother is heading an experimental learning program in China. Another brother is involved in Teach for America in Oklahoma. One brother is working as an analyst for UPS in Germany. Several brothers are doing research in Lexington, and others are working for politicians on Capitol Hill. If you swing by the house at 4 Henry Street you can meet them!

Overall, you cannot make a generalization about this fraternity. We are group of gentlemen that pursue our individual interests in a community of brotherhood. We support each other through the good and the bad. I am proud to call myself a member of this fraternity and hope you are interested in joining too.

Isaac Thompson

Sigma Nu Rush Chair

Washington and Lee, Class of 2021


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